Occupational Therapy

The aim of Occupational Therapy services within my practice is to improve your child’s gross motor, fine motor, visual perceptual, play skills, social interaction and/or sensory-motor skills. Your child will be assessed and specific goals will be drawn up which will guide the individual or group therapy sessions.

Assessment Process

Interview (Getting to know you and your child)

The process starts with an initial interview between the parents and the therapist. This provides some background information and history regarding the child’s development and functioning as well as your concerns and expectations for your child. There are specific questionnaires to be filled out to help guide the process.


This is then followed by an individual assessment carried out by the therapist. The duration of the assessment is approximately two hours. You are welcome to stay in the session or if you prefer you may drop your child off and pick him/her up later. During the assessment a variety of standardised tests as well as clinical observations will be carried out in order to ascertain whether or not, your child requires Occupational Therapy. This assessment will cover areas of sensory processing, gross motor and fine motor development, visual perceptual skills, play and learning skills as well as social interaction and pragmatics of communication if indicated by the referrer.


A feedback session is carried out sometimes immediately after the assessment or an appointment is set up to discuss the assessment findings and recommendations.


If requested a report will be provided detailing strengths and areas for improvement. Recommendations for each focus area are provided which includes tips for the home, school and explanation of how Occupational Therapy sessions will help to address them. Once you have looked through the final report, a copy will be provided for the referring person, your child’s teacher and any other relevant persons. Should your child require therapy, times will be arranged at the feedback consultation.

Therapy sessions

Therapy takes the form of weekly sessions of 30, 45 or 60 minute sessions depending on the individual need of each child.

School Visit

School visits are done once a term if necessary. The purpose of this visit is to observe the child in his/her usual classroom setting and to ensure a seamless carry over or recommendations into the school environment where necessary.